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KiwiSaver advice

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The right advice at the right time.

‘One and done’ is not the Aurora Capital way. We want to help you get the most out of your savings, so there are real people here ready to give you transparent advice on your KiwiSaver money any time you want it.

Investing in the right type of KiwiSaver strategy for your age and stage can make a huge difference to how much money you have when you are ready to retire. Not having enough risk in your KiwiSaver investments when you are decades from retiring could mean you fall short of your retirement goals. Too much risk when you are closer to retirement age could also mean you miss your mark for a comfortable retirement. That's why we believe expert financial advice on your KiwiSaver investments can help.

Everyone is different, so first we’ll help you pick a suitable KiwiSaver Scheme investment mix for what you need right now. Then, because life and your needs change with time, we review your investments annually to ensure they’re always in the right place for your age and stage.

We have a vision to see more Kiwis educated and empowered to achieve their dreams, so we’re here to help you understand your investments.

Want to make extra contributions?

Contributions are a deposit of money into your KiwiSaver account. Contributions are invested in investment markets to earn you a rate of return, so that your money grows over time.

Learn more

Fees at Aurora Capital

Our fees cover the active management of the investment options - that means we are closely watching investment markets and making sure the portfolios are in good shape. Our fees also cover the ongoing monitoring and advice you get that’s built into our service - that means every Aurora KiwiSaver Scheme member can access our expert financial advice.